Palestras e Seminários



Auditório Luiz Antonio Fávaro

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Speaker:  Dr. Brett Drury 

Abstract: " This seminar will introduce the ROCSAFE project, which is
a European Union funded project. The project is a joint enterprise
between NUI Galway ( and a
number of European private sector companies. The overall goal of
‌‌ROCSAFE is to fundamentally change how CBRNe (Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive) events are assessed, in order to
ensure the safety of crime scene investigators by reducing the need
for them to enter high-risk scenes. This will be achieved through the
coordinated use of robotic air and ground vehicles (RAVs/RGVs).
Further details about the project can be gathered from the
ResearchGate project page: "

Bio: "Brett is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the National
University of Ireland, Galway, where he is working with the Principal
Investigator of the ROCSAFE project: Dr Michael Madden
( Previous
to this position Brett was a FAPESP grant holder and post-doctoral
researcher at ICMC where he was supervised by Prof Alneu Lopes. Brett
gained his PhD (Doutorado) from the University of Porto under the
supervision of Prof Luis Torgo and Prof Jose Joao Almeida. Previous to
his doctoral studies, Brett worked in the private sector as a Software
Engineer / Consultant, where he undertook projects for well known
companies and organizations such as: Daimler Chrysler, British Nuclear
Fuels and The Portuguese Government"



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