Palestras e Seminários



auditório Luiz Antonio Favaro (sala 4-111)

Palestrante: David Kollosche (University of Frankfurt)

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar Palestra e debate sobre Inclusão na Educação e na Educação Matemática

Mathematics education is a polarising subject. Those who have problems with mathematics are often found to avoid mathematics or to ascribe themselves low mathematical abilities. These processes lead to an auto-exclusion from the mathematical discourse, resulting in a de-emancipation of the individual and in the installation of mathematics as an unchallenged tool of power. In this talk, I will report from two empirical studies why show general problems in students’ relations to mathematics and cases of auto-exclusion in Germany.

11:00  -  Debate com os interessados

Realização: Instituto de Ciências Matemática e de Computação/ Universidade de São Paulo (ICMC/USP) e Departamento de Psicologia e da Universidade Federal de São Carlos(DPsi/UFSCar).

Patrocínio: Universität Potsdam 

Organizadores: João dos Santos Carmo (Docente do DPsi/UFSCar e INCT-ECCE) e Renata C.G. Meneghetti (Docente do ICMC/USP)


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