After an introduction of the Potsdam Center for empirical research on inclusive education (ZEIF) the term inclusion and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be discussed. In an brief overview the status of educational inclusion in schools in Germany will be scetched. Teacher education will be identified as a core research desideratum and one study in Potsdam will be mentioned regarding perceived responsibilities of teachers.
15:30 - Debate com os interessados
Realização: Instituto de Ciências Matemática e de Computação/ Universidade de São Paulo (ICMC/USP) e Departamento de Psicologia e da Universidade Federal de São Carlos(DPsi/UFSCar).
Patrocínio: Universität Potsdam
Organizadores: João dos Santos Carmo (Docente do DPsi/UFSCar e INCT-ECCE) e Renata C.G. Meneghetti (Docente do ICMC/USP)