Palestras e Seminários



O seminário será online.

Palestrante: Denise Reis Costa

Responsável: Mariana Curi (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar Seminários do Grupo de Modelos de Variáveis Latentes

Abstract: In the past years, many established large-scale assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) are moving from paper to computer-based tests. Besides the efficiency gain in administration, this trend also allows gathering fine-grained information about students’ response process through computer-generated log files. Log files are time-stamped data that enables the tracing of how respondents interact with the testing platform. In this talk, we will discuss the potential and challenges of the analysis of such files, with particular focus on the analysis of process data from international surveys. The LOGAN R package will be present as a viable tool to assist researchers in familiarizing themselves and conducting studies with this kind of data.

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