Palestrante: Carlos Pecorari Neto
Responsável: Maykel Boldrin Belluzi (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)
Resumo: The framework of pullback attractors is perhaps the most usual form of generalizing the theory of global attractors for semigroups, to describe the asymptotic behavior of nonautonomous problems. The problem that we face is the following: assuming that a pullback attractor A exists, there is no qualitative information regarding the rate of attraction of A. To that end, many authors have worked with the notion of a pullback exponential attractor. As an extension of this theory, in this talk we will define the generalized φ-pullback attractors for evolution processes in complete metric spaces, with rate of pullback attraction determined by the behavior of a decreasing function φ that vanishes at infinity. We will find conditions under which a given evolution process has a generalized φ-pullback attractor, both in the discrete and in the continuous cases. We will present results for the special cases to obtain a generalized polynomial or exponential pullback attractors, and apply these results to obtain such objects for a class of nonautonomous wave equations.
Link para acessar a transmissão: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84098904697?pwd=RUJ1R2EvSnhZRFk3K1FmNWd6ZjlEdz09