Financial Support

CRInt has supported the participation of professors in international events (e.g., conferences and workshops), or other events relevant to internationalization. Requests can be submitted at any time, but at least 60 days before the event. They must be directly sent to the Research Committee (CPq). After analyses, they are internally sent to CRInt.


Opportunities Abroad

Throughout the year, international mobility for professors, calls for project proposals, scholarships abroad, language courses, and other opportunities are available.

Professors can obtain information through CRInt's social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and USP's Mundus Systems. In Mundus, they select the option Editais > Docentes from the menu. Selecting ICMC as the unit of origin, those interested are provided with a list of all opportunities for ICMC/USP professors.


Current Agreements

The International Mobility Agreements, the International Cooperation Agreements, and the Memorandum of Understanding can be accessed through USP's AUCANI website. The interested ones must select the option Convênios > Instituições Conveniadas. By selecting ICMC, a list with all agreements and MoU involved and in effect is provided.


Steps to Sign Agreements

Below are the main steps for the establishment of International Mobility Agreements, International Cooperation Agreements, and Memorandum of Understanding:

  1. USP provides templates for International Mobility Agreements, International Cooperation Agreements, and Memorandum of Understanding in three main languages, namely English, Portuguese, and Spanish;
  2. After the initial negotiations conducted by the interested parts, the Scholarship and Agreement Service of ICMC/USP sends the documents to the equivalent sector at the institution abroad;
  3. The documents are analyzed in the various instances of ICMC/USP.
  4. The documents are analyzed at the highest levels of USP.
  5. After compliance, the documents are sent to the institution abroad for signatures.
  6. Finally, the documents are signed by the ICMC/USP director.


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