Financial Support 

CRInt has supported the participation of technical-administrative staff in international events (e.g., conferences and workshops) or other events relevant to internationalization. Requests can be submitted at any time, but at least 60 days before the event. They must be directly sent  by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Documents required:

  • Letter of acceptance or invitation to the event;
  • Work plan with motivations, activities to be developed, and expected results;
  • Budget of the amount requested; and
  • Article to be presented (if applicable).


Opportunities Abroad

Throughout the year, several opportunities for language courses abroad and international mobility for technical and administrative staff are available.

Staff can obtain information through CRInt's social networks  (Facebook and Instagram)  or USP's Mundus Systems. In Mundus, they select the option Editais > Servidores Técnicos e Administrativos. By selecting ICMC as the unit of origin, those interested are provided with a list with all opportunities for ICMC/USP technical and administrative staff.


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