Financial Support

CRInt has supported the participation of ICMC/USP undergraduate and graduate students, as well as postdoctoral researchers, in international events (e.g., conferences and workshops). Requests can be submitted at any time, but at least 60 days before the event. They must be initially sent to the Undergraduate Commission (CG), in the case of undergraduate students, the Graduate Commission (CPG), in the case of graduate students, and the Research Commission (CPq), in the case of postdoctoral researchers. After analyses, they are internally sent to CRInt. 

Opportunities Abroad

Throughout the year, international mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, scholarships for studies abroad, language courses, and other opportunities are available.

Students can obtain information through CRInt's social networks (Facebook and Instagram) and USP's Mundus System. In Mundus, undergraduate students select the option Editais > Alunos de Graduação > Editais from the menu, and graduate students select the option Editais > Alunos de Pós-Graduação. Selecting ICMC as the unit of origin, those interested are provided with a list of all opportunities from ICMC/USP.

Minimum requirements for undergraduate students to apply for exchange notices and scholarship notices:

  • Normalized average above 5.0;
  • Two semesters already taken at the time of registration (for the international mobility opportunities);
  • Four semesters already taken at the time of registration (for the scholarship opportunities); and
  • Regarding failures in courses, students must have attended them again and succeeded.

Current Agreements 

The International Mobility Agreements, the International Cooperation Agreements, and the Memorandum of Understanding can be accessed through USP's AUCANI website. The intestered ones must select the option Convênios > Instituições Conveniadas. By selecting ICMC, a list with all agreements, MoU and protocols established is provided.

Only institutions abroad that have signed an International Mobility Agreement with ICMC/USP can receive ICMC/USP students and send theirs to ICMC/USP.


Template of the studies planning for international mobility of undergraduate students

Template of the letter of interest for international mobility of undergraduate students

Template of the request for learning recovery

Template of the international mobility final report



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