Set up in 1974, the Graduate Program in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics (PPG-CCMC) is a high-level scientific program and also one of the most well-known programs that educates Master´s and Doctorate students in the country. The excellence of the scientific level of the program was recognized as internationally with the maximum grade 7 awarded by CAPES.

The PPG-CCMC aims to prepare its students for careers in teaching and research at universities and companies. The objective of the Master's degree is to provide students with knowledge to perform, with proficiency, undergraduate teaching functions, as well as initiate them professionally in research. In the Doctoral degree program, the purpose is to provide extensive and in-depth scientific education to the student, developing scientific research in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics.

The research lines offered by the Program are: 

  • Computer Graphics, Images and Visualization
    • Database, Computer Graphics, Images and Visualization
    • Information Recovery, Knowledge Discovery and Database Engineering 
  • Software Engineering and Information Systems / Web and Multimedia Interactive Systems
    • Software Engineering and Information Systems
    • Web and Multimedia Interactive Systems
  • Computational Intelligence
    • Artificial Intelligence
      • Bioinspired Computing
      • Machine Learning and Data Mining
      • Natural Language Processing
      • Robotics
    • Data Pattern Analysis
  • Distributed Systems and Concurrent Programming / Embedded, Evolutionary and Robotics Systems
    • Distributed Systems and Concurrent Programming
    • Embedded and Evolutionary Systems
    • Mobile Robotics
  • Computational Fluid Mechanics / Optimization / Stochastic Models
    • Complex Systems, Particles and Control Theory
    • Computational Fluid Mechanics
    • Geometric and Visual Processing
    • Optimization

Graduates from ICMC hold prominent positions at universities, research centers, governmental agencies, as well as national and foreign companies. This impact can be identified regionally as many of them have become faculty members in prestigious universities in Brazil and South America and have created new research centers and graduate programs, which contributes greatly to the expansion of teaching and science.


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