Founded in 2014, the Professional Master's Course in Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Applied to Industry (MECAI) is a pioneering program that aims to bring together the productive sector, governments and universities.

MECAI aims to provide its students with a solid background in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing, seeking to meet the demands of the productive sector in order to foster technological advances and product development, thus making companies and governmental sectors more competitive and internationally recognized. Professionals are trained to work in various areas, as the skills developed include optimization techniques, data analysis, statistics, computational intelligence, among others.

MECAI is linked to the Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry (CeMEAI), headquartered at ICMC and the Center for Research, Innovation and Diffusion - Applied Mathematical Sciences for Industry (CEPID/CeMEAI), funded by Fapesp, whose objective is to align academia and the productive sector.

Major in Data Science: New data sources combined with analysis and processing techniques have revolutionized areas such as medicine, governance and agriculture. The so-called "data science" is one of the main factors responsible for such a transformation. As a multidisciplinary area that combines, among others, statistical techniques, data mining, applied linear algebra and computational intelligence, data science aims to extract knowledge from information collected by dedicated devices such as surveillance cameras and radars, and sensors embedded in portable devices such as tablets and smartphones. Although several research groups in Brazil are specialized in the context of data science, there are few Graduate courses focusing on the subject. One of the few exceptions is the MECAI professional Master's degree from the ICMC, which since 2015 has offered an academic major in Data Science, aiming at training professionals to be able to work in this important area of applied science.



The master's degree program is open to candidates graduated at higher education level in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics in the job market.

Admission is by a selection process based on:

  • Analysis of academic education (undergraduate and graduate records, if any). The grade assigned to this item, called FA (formação acadêmica in Portuguese), will be 0 to 10;
  • Curriculum Vitae analysis (academic, research and professional activities). The grade assigned to this item, called AC (análise do curriculum vitae in Portuguese) will be 0 to 10;
  • Research project analysis, called PP (projeto de pesquisa in Portuguese). The assigned score will be from 0 to 10.

The final grade is composed by the formula: MF = (4 FA + 3 AC + 3 PP)/10.

If any of the items is not met, the candidate will receive grade zero on the corresponding question.

Candidates who receive grade 7 (or higher) are considered approved on the program.

The research project should be compatible with your professional activity and the major offered by the Professional Master's program, which will be specified in the public notice.

Future graduates of this program will be awarded the title of "Master of Sciences" obtained from the Professional Master´s in Mathematics, Statistics and Computing Applied to Industry program.

The selection process is coordinated by the Program Coordinating Committee (CCP-MECAI). The public notice and information on registration and enrollment are posted on the following website:


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