Data da publicação: 16/04/2013
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Stephen MacDonell (foto: site AUT) |
Na próxima quinta-feira, 18 de abril, o Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) receberá a visita do pesquisador Stephen MacDonell, da Auckland University of Technology, na Nova Zelândia.
MacDonell é diretor do Software Engineering Research Lab da universidade neozelandesa. É PhD pela University of Cambridge, no Reino Unido, e realiza pesquisas na área de Engenharia de Software.
Na parte da manhã, o pesquisador se reunirá com o diretoria do ICMC para discutir possíveis acordos de cooperação acadêmica entre o Instituto e a universidade neozelandesa. Já às 14h, MacDonell ministrará a palestra Managing software projects, no auditório Fernão Stella de Rodrigues Germano.
Segue o resumo da palestra, em inglês:
In this talk I will present several research projects that each address an element of software project management. The first theme, on SE tools, will introduce two tools that we have developed to support project managers – FuzzyManager enables users to build fuzzy inference models for tasks such as effort estimation; ScrumCity is a visualisation tool that depicts aspects of product and agile process together in a single environment. The second theme, on SE developers, will describe two of our research projects – an investigation of team dynamics and the role of core developers in agile distributed groups; and a proposed model for understanding the mobility of global stakeholders. Finally, I will briefly describe several systematic reviews and systematic mappings that we have conducted that address a range of issues in software projects.
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