Data da publicação: 26/05/2014
40 vagas gratuitas estão disponíveis para atividade que será realizada dias 9 e 10 de junho
Estão abertas, até 5 de junho, as inscrições para o minicurso Services selection: available approaches in the area of services computing, que discutirá os desafios atuais na área da computação, apresentando como a seleção do serviço se estende para outras áreas, tais como computação em nuvem, internet das coisas e redes de sensores. Serão discutidas as deficiências na área de computação e o problema da seleção de serviço.
A atividade gratuita acontecerá nos dias 9 e 10 de junho, das 8h às 12h, no auditório Fernão Stella Rodrigues Germano. Há 40 vagas disponíveis e as inscrições devem ser feitas por meio deste link: icmc.usp.br/e/fee06
O minicurso será ministrado por Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, professor do Departamento de Ciência da Computação da Universidade de Leicester, do Reino Unido. Veja, abaixo, o programa completo do minicurso em inglês e a bibliografia.
Mais informações
Comissão de Cultura e Extensão Universitária do ICMC
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Telefone: (16) 3373-9146
Part 1: Basics
• Setting the scene: a quick introduction to service computing
• Service selection: problem definition and challenges
• Functional and non-functional properties
• Selecting services in the standard WS framework
• Dynamic and static service selection
Part 2: Selecting a single service
• Describing service properties
• Evaluating services against static requirements
• Multi criteria decisions (we will undertake a small group exercise here to showcase the importance of aggregation of values)
• Semantic web architectures for service selection
Part 3: Selecting services as part of a bigger plan
• Business processes and service computing
• Optimizing selection of services for larger processes considering static requirements
• Security and transactional properties and their influence on service selection
Part 4: Dynamic requirements and service level agreements
• Dynamic users – extra challenges for service selection
• Understanding and modeling user context
• Dynamic service properties – another dimension of complication
• Providing guarantees – expressing SLAs
• Exploration of new challenges and opportunities arising in the future internet: cloud computing and IoT
[1.] S. Reiff-Marganiec and M. Tilly (eds). Handbook of Research on Service-Oriented Systems and Non-Functional Properties: Future Directions. IGI Global, December 2011. ISBN 9781613504321. 2011.
[2.] Service Discovery using Ontology Encoding Enhanced by Similarity of Information Content. J. Xu, R. Zhang, K. Xing, S. Reiff-Marganiec. Services 2013 - SDC. pp209-214. 2013.
[3.] Linked Context: A Linked Data Approach to Personalised Service Provisioning. H.Q. Yu, X. Zhao, S. Reiff-Marganiec, J. Domingue. international Conference on Web Services (ICWS) 2012. pp. 376-383. 2012.
[4.] Matching Customer Requests to Service Offerings in Real-Time. M. Tilly and S. Reiff-Marganiec. ACM SAC 2011; MESC Track. 2011. The paper was given the Best Paper award in the Engineering Category.
[5.] A Backwards Composition Context Based Service Selection Approach for Service Composition. H.Q. Yu and S. Reiff-Marganiec. SCC 2009. DOI. 2009.
[6.] Automated Context-aware Service Selection for Collaborative Systems. H.Q. Yu and S. Reiff-Marganiec. In P. van Eck, J. Gordijn, R. Wieringa (eds.): Advanced Information Systems Engineering CAiSE 2009, LNCS 5565, pp 261-274, 2009.
[7.] Service Selection based on Non-Functional Properties. S Reiff-Marganiec, H Q Yu, and M Tilly. In E. Di Nitto and M. Ripeanu (eds.): ICSOC 2007 Workshops, LNCS 4907, pp 128-138, 2009.
[8.] Composition Context for Web Services Selection. H.Q. Yu, S Reiff-Marganiec and M. Tilly. 2008 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2008), pp. 785-786, DOI, 2008, IEEE.
[9.] A Method for Automated Web Service Selection. H.Q. Yu and S. Reiff-Marganiec. 2nd International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008) in 2008 IEEE Congress on Services - Part I, pp. 513-520, DOI, 2008, IEEE.