ICMC 158



The admission to ICMC undergraduate courses occurs through competitive examination (FUVEST and SISU). 


Exchange student

Students enrolled in foreign institutions may attend classes at USP as undergraduate exchange students, obtaining credits or developing academic research compatible with their fields. If the institution that the student belongs to does not have an academic agreement with USP, it is still possible to apply for an exchange program at USP, but it will depends on the approval of each institution. At the end of the exchange, the student will receive an undergraduate studies record of the courses taken at USP.


How to apply?

Enrollment for undergraduate student exchange programs is done online through our enrollment system - the student or International Office of the foreign institution does not need to send the original documents or digital documents by email. 

Students interested in developing part of their USP undergraduate studies must first be nominated by their institution in the Mundus System. Once the appointment has been made by their university, the student will receive an email including a link and instructions to complete their application.

The applications submitted will be analyzed by this USP International Agency and forwarded to the institutions where the student chose the courses for evaluation in the following days after the enrollment period. If the registration for the exchange is approved, the institution will send a letter of acceptance directly to the address given in the application. However, the institution may refuse enrollment in accordance with its own criteria.

The foreign institution can follow the application of its students in the Mundus System where they were appointed.


Required Documents

A digital, legible copy of the following documents will be required for registration:

  • Letter of recommendation written by a faculty member from the student´s university;
  • Study Contract (signed and stamped by the student´s university);
  • Official school record and a translation into Portuguese (signed and stamped by the student´s university);
  • Copy of the passport page that contains personal data (must be valid for the period of the exchange program at USP);
  • A photo in ".jpg" format (size 50Kb).


Enrollment periods

Exchange program in the first semester (February-June): online registration from August 1st to October 15th. Exchange program in the second semester (August-December): online registration from March 1st to May 5th.


Offered courses and restrictions

Many courses at USP have curricular requirements that need to be considered. Therefore, the requests will be analyzed taking into account the student´s school record and study contract. The complete list of programs can be found at the Undergraduate Module Catalogue. There is no maximum number of courses for which students can apply: classes from different programs and at different schools can be chosen once they have been approved by the student´s university.


Language Requirements

Classes at USP are taught in Portuguese. Therefore, the student must have an intermediate level of Portuguese in order to attend classes. A certificate of proficiency in Portuguese is not required.

Exchange students can take part in an intensive Portuguese course offered by the Language Center of the Faculty of Philosophy, Language and Literature and Human Sciences (Centro de Línguas da FFLCH) on the São Paulo campus - Cidade Universitária. For more information, visit this website or send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



USP is a state public institution that receives exchange students at no cost.



USP does not provide accommodation for exchange students.


More information:

Info Housing
USP iFriends

Mobility Team: For more information about exchange programs at USP, send an e-mail to the International Relations agent responsible for the respective area:

  • Africa and Southern Europe: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • South and Central America: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • North America, Caribbean, Asia and Oceania: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Eastern, Western, Northern and Central Europe: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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