Palestras e Seminários



Palestrante: Aldicio José Miranda

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Responsável: Igor Santos (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Salvar atividade no Google Calendar São Carlos Singularity Theory Webinar

Resumo: Gluing constructions are a central topic of investigation in modern algebraic geometry and it can be seen as the pushout of the topological spaces combined with the appropriate pullback or fiber product of the rings. Our objective is to study the structure of the gluing of germs of analytic spaces and calculate some invariants. This structure may change severely, depending on how this gluing is being made.

Let (X, x), (Y, y) and (Z, z) be germs of complex analytic spaces. We will denote by (X, x) U(Z,z) (Y, y) the gluing of (X, x) and (Y, y) along (Z, z). In this talk, we will speak about the interesting questions:
Is (X, x) U(Z,z) (Y, y) a germ of an analytic space?

When (X, x) U(Z,z) (Y, y) is Cohen-Macaulay?

What can we say about numerical invariants of (X, x) U(Z,z) (Y, y)? For instance, Milnor number, multiplicity and degree of a finite map germ?


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