Palestras e Seminários



Auditório Luiz Antonio Fávaro

Palestrante: Danilo Vasconscelos Vargas

Responsável: Eduardo do Valle Simões (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

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Abstract: Artificial intelligence has come a long way but, are current AI systems intelligent? In this talk, I will explore an interdisciplinary view of intelligence, and showcase the main problems of current AI systems and some possible paths ahead.

Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas is currently an Associate Professor at Kyushu University, Visiting Researcher at the University of Tokyo and CEO/Founder of MiraiX. His research interests span Artificial Intelligence (AI), evolutionary computation, complex adaptive systems, interdisciplinary studies involving or using an AI’s perspective and AI applications. Many of his works were published in prestigious journals such as Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press), IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and IEEE Transactions of Neural Networks and Learning Systems with press coverage in news magazines such as BBC news. He received awards such as the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding 2022 Paper award, the IEEE Excellent Student Award and scholarships to study in Brazil, Germany and Japan for many years. Regarding his community activities, he presented tutorials at GECCO2018, WCCI2020 and at the renowned top AI conference IJCAI2020. He was also co-organizer and advisor committee of various workshops both about AI and about multidisciplinary perspectives for AI with more than 10 invited talks, one of which was given in a workshop in CVPR 2019. Currently, he leads the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems aimed at building a new age of robust and adaptive artificial intelligence funded/supported by the two biggest Japanese funding agencies: JST and JSPS (including JST ACT-I, JST ACT-I Acceleration Phase, JSPS Kakenhi Wakate). More info can be found both on his Website and his Lab Page.


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