Eventos Externos

De 20/11/2022 à 25/11/2022


Online / à distância


Salvar atividade no Google Calendar The Mathematical Society of Japan

The MSJ-SI (Mathematical Society of Japan-Seasonal Institute) is one of the main annual events of the Mathematical Society of Japan. The 15th MSJ-SI, MSJ-SI2022, will be held in YOKOHAMA city under the title "Deepening and Evolution of Applied Singularity Theory".

Four more conferences of the RIMS Research Project "Singularity theory special months" are scheduled between the months of October and December.

We are saddened to inform you that James Damon passed away in Chapel Hill (NC, USA) on October 4, 2022, at the age of 77. The Organizing Committee pray from the bottom of our heart that his soul may rest in peace.

Mais informações:
site do evento: icmc.usp.br/e/6c85b



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