Auditório Luiz Antônio Fávaro
Palestrante: Patrícia Hernandes Baptistelli
Responsável: Thaís Jordão (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)
Resumo: Historically, the interest in systems with reversibility began to appear in the context of Hamiltonian systems. In 1915, the mathematician George D. Birkhoff observed that the trajectories of Hamiltonian systems presented symmetries that reversed over time. Since then, many works have dealt with the relations between Hamiltonian and reversible systems. In this talk, we explore this subject in the linear context from a purely algebraic point of view. We show that every linear Hamiltonian vector field is also reversible. On the other hand, we present conditions for reversible linear vector fields to be Hamiltonian, with exact equivalence for the two-dimensional case. These properties are studied in terms of matrices of the symplectic form and groups generated by them.
mais informações:
site do evento: https://matematicaverao.wordpress.com/