Palestras e Seminários



Online / à distância

Palestrante: Yessica Yulieth Julio Pérez

Responsável: Maykel Boldrin Belluzi (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

Modo: À distância

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Resumo:  In this lecture, we will present a study of a one-dimensional nonlocal quasilinear problem of the form u_t - a(l(u))u_{xx} = λf(u) + h(t) with Dirichlet boundary conditions on the interval (0,1). We use a change in the time scale for reformulate the problem into a semilinear one, thus study a general equation through semigroup theory. Our focus extends to establishing the existence of a classical solution for an abstract problem, particularly when the forcing term f has a weaker modulus of continuity than continuous Hölder. We will obtain comparison results that will be helpful in ensuring the existence of a pullback attractor. 


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